What's new
Expedit changes and new features
Expedit 2.2.4
July 2024
- Support for WebShip compatible adress book export.
May 2024
- Routing information update for offline users.
- Support for new version of web routing service.
Expedit 2.2.3
September 2023
- Support for new services introduced: Balikovo.
- Internal improvements and bugfixes.
Expedit 2.2.2
November 2022
- Multifunctional bar-code redesigned.
- Internal improvements and bugfixes.
Expedit 2.2.0
January 2021
- Address-based routing plugin integrated.
- Minor issues and bugfixes.
Expedit 2.1.7
January 2020
- Internal improvements and bugfixes.
Expedit 2.1.6
September 2019
- Sorting labels printed on Expedit stickers.
- Internal improvements and minor bugfixes.
Expedit 2.1.5
February 2019
- Support for online ZIP codes database update.
- Updated ZIP codes and ZIP-related services.
- Internal performance improvements.
Expedit 2.1.4
June 2018
- Insurance limits changed according to SPS policy.
Expedit 2.1.3
February 2018
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
Expedit 2.1.1
December 2017
- COD limit changed from 3.300 to 5.000 EUR - domestic shipments.
- Notification options per country - international shipments.
- Internal performance improvements.
Expedit 2.0.9
August 2017
- Bulgaria is now available for international shippers.
- Application performance improvements for network version.
- Minor issues and bugfixes.
Expedit 2.0.8
March 2017
- Optional: auto-incrementing value for "Reference 1" field.
- Customizable options for COD service: keep value and/or payment option from last COD shipment.
- Improved automatic number range assignment.
Expedit 2.0.7
July 2016
- Customizable limits for COD and insurance values.
Expedit 2.0.6
March 2016
- New service: Parcel shop service is available now.
- International shippers: Cash on delivery (Dobierka) currency now can be set to EUR or destination country currency, for each country separately.
- Fixed mobile number format issues for importing shipments.
- Landline phone is not mandatory any more – but either landline or mobile phone number must be given. For some services (Parcel shop, Parcel terminal, SMS notification) mobile phone number is mandatory.
Expedit 2.0.4
January 2016
- Shared address book (network and standalone version): option to turn on a common address book among several or all accounts on one Expedit standalone installation or Expedit LAN.
- 'COD only' exception allowance: an attempt to create shipment with '0' as COD amount for receiver with flag 'COD only' is allowed upon confirmation by user. Same exception allowed for import routine, as an option.
- Shipment TaT status functionality revorked due to changes in CargoNet web services.
- Format of mobile number +4219XXYYYYYY during import is allowed, as well as telefone format 09xxyyyyyy.
- ZIP code checking issue while import (002 – international shipments only).
- Fixed issue with too much bar-code numbers reservation.
Expedit 2.0.0
June 2015
- Automatic number range assignment (via web services) was implemented.
- Option to duplicate shipments from history as new shipments.
- Option to merge several shipments into single shipment.
- Track & Trace direct link is included in email notification.
Expedit 1.9.8
April 2015
- Targeted search options (by name, address, phone nr. etc) are integrated in address book views and shipments view.
- Import shipments routine fixed to accept per parcels reference with max. length up to 35 chars each.
- Shipment editor accept per shipment or per parcels references, each up to 35 chars.
- Client-server communication performance improvements.
Expedit 1.9.6
February 2015
- Support for VIAMO payment option.
Expedit 1.9.5
December 2014
- Support for English language.
- History of delivered shipments view is changed: more shipment details on parcel level, including the shipment number and T&T details are displayed.
- History of delivered shipments export to MS Excel is changed in order to include additional parcel details.
- Option to keep 'goods description (popis tovaru)' from previous shipment in shipment editor.
- Email notification for 2 email address (comma or semicolon separated).
- In profile settings, status bar displays information about current profile.
- In shipment import procedure, ZIP codes with space (e.g. 851 01) are accepted.
- In shipment import procedure, path to the last imported file is remembered.
Expedit 1.9.3
November 2014
- Reference numbers: Option to set reference number for each parcel is implemented. After activation in 'Editor options', shipment creation interface will allow setting the reference per parcel.
- Import reference number for each parcel (in import file references per parcel are separated by comma, eg. 'ref1,ref2,ref3').
- Option to rotate shipment labels during printing for 180°.
Expedit 1.9.2
October 2014
- International shipments: Parcel terminals delivery for Check Republic (CZ) service introduced.
- Local services based on ZIP codes are updated on client side.
- History of shipments: Search result displays max 1000 items, instead of 100.
- Several minor bug-fixes.
Expedit 1.9.1
September 2014
- Parcel terminals (balikomaty): wrong diacritics fixed.
Expedit 1.9.0
August 2014
- Shipments import: automatic checking of imported shipments for duplicates, according to reference number.
- Track & trace: link to external track & trace and integrated preview window.
- Network version: selected rows persistance bugfix in tabular views.
- User interface fixes: insurance field visibility fix, length of alphanumeric ZIP codes for Great Britain
Expedit 1.8.8
June 2014
- Data import: added virtual columns and their default values (where applicable); mapping more than one Expedit fields to one import file column; allow import of multiple address book records with same company-details values.
- Address book editor extended with additional fields.
- Selecting the print layout for labels. User can select the printing order of shipment labels.
- Specialized import of shipments history from external application is added.
- Various minor bug-fixes and improvements.
Expedit 1.8.6
April 2014
- All tabular views: column order and size is persistent – it is saved automatically and restored next time Expedit is started.
- New notification services are introduced: phone, SMS and e-mail notification.
- Company logo is printed on shipping labels, shipping list and mini report instead of text signature.
- Receiver phone number printed on shipping list and mini report.
- Shipment editor: goods description is required field now.
- Various minor bug-fixes and improvements.
Expedit 1.8.5 and older versions are not supported any more